
The season for white aspargus is about to start.Yeeeah!
It can happen, that I eat white aspargus twice a day, that’s how much I like it.
Today I bought aspargus for the first time in 2015, only a small bunch, so I had a nice salad with roasted aspargus on top.

Ingredients Salad

  • 6 spears white aspargus
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 bowl mixed salad leaves, respectively rucola, lammbs lettuce, radicchio
  • 4 sprigs tarragon, bzw. a small handful
  • 2 cherry tomatoes
  • pepper & salt

gebratener SpargelPeel the aspargus and snip off the ends. Cut the stalks diagonally into 7 mm pieces, keep the heads intact.
Heat the olive oil in a griddle and roast the aspargus for about 10 min. When the pieces begin to colour, add the heads and roast for about 4 min.
Wash the salad, if the leaves are too big, rip into 2–3 cm pieces. Pick the tarragon leaves off the stems, wash with the salad and spin or shake dry.
Depending on size cut the tomates in four or six pieces.





Ingredients Vinaigrette

  • 6 Tbsp olive oil
  • 4 Tbsp balsamico
  • 1 small shallot, finely chopped
  • 1 heaped Tsp jam/jelly, if possible raspberry or elderflower
  • 1 heaped Tsp whole grain mustard
  • pepper & salt

Mix the finely chopped shallot with the olive oil, balsamico, jam and mustard, until everything is nice and smooth. Season with pepper and salt to taste.

To assemble the salad, first layer the salad and tarragon leaves in a large soup bowl, add the tomatoes and pour over as much dressing as you like. I prefer mine quite soaked. Top with the aspargus and grind some more pepper on top.

If you haven’t tried the combination of aspargus and tarragon: it is heavenly!!

Salat mit gebratenem Spargel


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